SALON HIGHLIGHT: Black Sheep Salon
Hiii Lasio lovers,
We’ve been on the look out for ways to show love back to the Lasio community and our team figured, why not start right here in Florida? Leading us to Black Sheep Salon at Jensen Beach, where we got to meet and interview salon owner, Paul Wolfgang, a professional hair stylist of over 20+ years who came to Florida from Germany as a teenager with his mother. A life altering decision that would lead him to pursue his professional hair journey and become the largest Lasio Professional provider in the Florida area in 2024.
Disclaimer: The quotes in this article are based on the Lasio content team’s conversation with Paul and have been paraphrased for clarity and conciseness.
Lasio: How many keratin treatments does your salon do in a month?
Paul: 80 - 150, with a total salon revenue of 2 million a year (estimated).
Lasio: What’s your salon’s favorite Lasio Keratin formula?
Paul: We use a lot of Mocha and One Day! The Keratin Tropic is one of our stylists favorite too.
Lasio: How did you find out about Lasio?
Paul: [Roughly] 13-15 years ago, I went to Orlando Premiere [an international beauty convention] and Nadine was at the booth with another little lady [probably her sister Taina]. She put a sample of her formula in my hands. I took it back to my salon, tried it, liked it, and said “this is what we’re using now” to my team of stylists. I haven’t looked back since.
Lasio: Incredible. What keeps you coming back?
Paul: Sh**t’s consistent. It’s a good formula. It doesn’t change LOL. Lasio is a good, true brand.
“A lot of salons don’t do Keratins. We do A LOT." - Paul
Paul’s Salon and its stylists are certified Lasio Pros and even offer aspiring professionals a state-backed cosmetology education program at a reduced cost ($2500 USD) with Keratin education included—an impressive rarity in the professional hair industry.
Paul’s school, the Advanced Academy, will officially be one year old in July 2024. Here, aspiring cosmetology professionals can learn through a hybrid education model, a standout alternative for non-traditional students who aren’t able to commit to the daily and hourly in-person demands of traditional certification programs.
Traditional programs often promise a well-rounded education but are notorious for critiques from graduates (and students who didn’t see to the end of their cosmetology certification) regarding quality standards and curricula that have been deemed debatable in terms of their overall value in providing apprenticeship skills.
So, what’s next?
The future is bright for the Advanced Academy. Paul’s team is currently looking to expand to an exclusively online option, in addition to the models they already offer.
Competitive and revolutionary, considering the state of the current education system for aspiring cosmetologist.
Lacking knowledge about the current state of state-backed beauty education? To catch any newbies up to speed, as an involved member of the beauty community, I can attest to the unfortunate stories I've encountered.
A saddening amount of people have ended up paying upwards of $15,000 in debt for their education in this field, all while struggling with the grueling 6-hour daily demands for certification, and ultimately dropping out—now at a loss of time, in debt, and with their dreams in professional beauty dashed.
Lasio: What advice do you have for pro stylists who are new to offering Keratin treatments in their salon or private suite?
Paul: Run promotions on your Keratin treatments. Especially on slow season. Promotions drive in a lot of traffic.
The Black Sheep Salon runs promotions 3 times a year.
“Especially during summer, which is slow season” according to Paul.
Paul theorizes that this is potentially due to the long term nature of keratin treatments, that just happen to overlap with the summer time window.
When we asked Paul what’s his personal style as a salon owner. He shared with the Lasio content team that he wants to be the type of owner that relates to his coworkers, and fellow stylists.
If you’re brand new to the salon owner world (like I was prior to meeting Paul) that means he's committed to always being behind the chair. You’ll catch him at the Black Sheep salon Monday through Friday. He aspires to speak directly to his clients, stylists, and coworkers, so he can empower them.
On top of being certified Lasio Pro and Keratin treatment specialist, Paul and his team love to use our newest treatment Follicle Filler in their lineup for color correction clients and curly haired clients in their salon.
Team Black Sheep is genuinely passionate about providing a luxury experience that offers long-term restorative results. The Jensen Beach area is blessed to have access to the talent that exists under his roof, and the Lasio team was grateful Paul took his time aside to show our team around and share his story.
Visit The Black Sheep Salon for a certified Lasio Pro Keratin experience if you’re in the South Florida region, and be sure to let them know who sent you! 😘
Tap below to see the full transformation that took place during our visit!